Master in Osteopathy - Institut Dauphine d'Osteopathie - IDO (Paris)
5 years full time studies. I started to have a special interest in Neuro-science, Neuro-pathology, Anatomy, physiology..
Our studies included 2 years of Cranio-Sacral Therapy
2 years of Clinical Posturology
4 years of Fascia-therapy
Postgrads - University Degrees
University Diploma (DU) in Dietetic and Clinical nutrition - Medical University of Paris VII Diderot ( 1 year part-time)
University Diploma (DU) in Medical English - Medical University of Paris XIII Creteil (1 years part-time)
University Diploma (DU) in Clinical Anatomy (1 year part-time) : 30 hours of dissection included
Diploma in Clinical Acupuncture & Tuina - Hong Kong University (2 years part-time)
Postgrad in Paediatric Osteopathy (FROP) Formation for reasearch in paediatric Osteopathy : Part-time training in Bordeaux with Bruno Ducoux as a Director. Specialization for Fertility issue, pregnancy care and paediatric care (from pre-mature baby to adults).
Postgrad in Gynecologic Osteopathy : Internal & external approach for women's health with Elisa Boillot (midwife-Osteopath) in Lyon.
Postgrad in Etiomedicine, Osteopathic & Vibrational medicine diagnostic inspired by NAET and kinesiology with a deeper & more accurate treatment. Trained by Jean-Philippe Foissy who discovered the method.
Trained in Homeopathy, Medical Radiesthesia, Bach Flowers & Aromatherapie. (Mentor Anonymous)
Currently Trained with Marie-Francoise Nogues for her method : Method Nogues Epigenetic practice.
(3-4 years training , equivalent to Master in Psychology).
Mentors & Influences
in Osteopathy , fasciatherapy, cranio-sacral , Energy medicine: Some major books & authors have influenced my philosophy, here is a list of them that I recommend to every therapist willing to evolve toward a deeper & efficient approach:
Rollin Becker : Life in Motion, Stillness of Life. ++
Pierre Tricot, Serge Paoletti. (Basics of fasciatherapy)
Paul R Lee : Interface : Mechanisms of Spirit in Osteopathy +++++
Nicholas Handoll : Anatomy of potency ++
Rober C. Fulfort: Touch of life +++ , Randolph stone Polarity therapy ++
Alain Auberville & Andree Aubin : La motilite en Osteopathie ++
James Oschman : Energy Medicine ++
Barbara Ann Brennan +
Pascal Pesselon : Osteopathy & Chinese energy medicine ++
Kazuko Itaya and Stephen Birch: Chasing the dragon's Tail ++++
Jean Philippe Foissy : La Desengrammation en Osteopathie energetique +++++
Jean-Marie Lepeltier & Christophe drouet: Visage, Corps et Personalite +
Bruce Lipton / Joe dispenza
Nassim Haramein / Jean pierre garnier malet / Jean-pierre Petit
R. Steiner